The Michael Linehan Heartsafe Killarney Group + Killarney Cardiac Response Unit/Killarney First Responders have come together to present a special night of instruction for us on CPR [Cardio [...]
HeartBeat Strutters will have their first group walk on Thursday February 10th at 11am, gathering at the King’s Bridge opposite St. Mary’s Cathedral.
We were delighted that we had a great turnout at our first in person meeting in our new venue to hear from Cardiologist Dr Grace O’Carroll from the KUH. For those of you who were not able to [...]
We are delighted to announce that our monthly meetings for HeartBeat will resume in person again on TUESDAY 30TH NOVEMBER. Come right on in, grab a chair and greet us at our new meeting place at [...]
Emir Coffey of Muckross Pilates & Barre has put together some great videos of some simple seated/chair exercises that anyone can do at home, to keep up strength and flexibility during the [...]
The HSE Mental Health Engagement & Recovery Team have put together some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) factsheets for both Service Users of HSE Mental Health Services, and Families and [...]
A "How to Age Well" free seminar comes to Kerry on Monday February 10th, by speaker Professor Rose Anne Kenny, a world-renowned authority in healthy ageing and Principal Investigator of TILDA.
We are delighted to announce we will be holding a Heart Health Pop Up Clinic in partnership with Dunnes Stores Killarney on Friday 14th February from 10am to 5pm.
Want to improve your balance and coordination? Do you want to increase your physical activity levels? Do you want to improve your flexibility, bone strength and muscle power? Read on...
Our HEARTBEAT CHRISTMAS LUNCH will take place this year on Wednesday December 11th at 1pm in Hannigan’s Restaurant (of the International Hotel) in Killarney.