Better Balance Better Bones Programme

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15/01/2020 10:00 - 11:00
Killarney Sports & Leisure Centre
Address: Bypass Rd, Park, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland

Want to improve your balance and coordination? Do you want to increase your physical activity levels? Do you want to improve your flexibility, bone strength and muscle power?

Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre for Older Persons is holding a "Better Balance Better Bones" - a Physical Activity Programme designed to improve your strength and balance.

Sessions are delivered by Exercise Facilitators who have been upskilled by HSE Physiotherapists in the Better Balance Better Bones Programme.

Suitable for adults who walk independently and want to stay strong on their feet and "falls free" for life.

Starting on Wednesday 15th January 2020 at 10.00am at the Killarney Sports & Leisure Centre on the Bypass Road, each session runs for 1 hour and the duration of the programme is 8 weeks.

Places are limited and pre-booking is essential.

Text or call Sinead on 085 253 7742.

Better balance better bones programme

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