We have been talking to a lot of people over the last year as the emerging picture from Covid 19 shows us that there will be lots of necessary changes in the way we do things ongoing into the future.

We want and ask YOU to get involved in helping HeartBeat to prepare for the future by taking part in our “Quo Vadis” survey/questionnaire below.




    A. Do you know how to sign into Zoom?

    (If you have answered NO skip to question E.)

    B. If YES, have you visited the HeartBeat events?

    If YES, how many meetings have you signed in to?

    Do you find our Zoom meetings helpful?

    C. Would you be interested in Zoom meetings continuing?

    D. If YES what kind of subjects would spark your interest?

    (Skip to question F)

    E. If you answered NO to Question A would you like to learn how to operate Zoom?

    F. Do you think Zoom meetings are the way of the future?

    If YES, Why?


    A. Are you satisfied with the speakers & subjects covered?

    B. Do you find the average duration (60 to 90 mins) of our meetings okay?

    If NO, state ideal length for you

    C. Are we missing out on subjects you would like?

    If YES, list subject/s you would like covered.


    A. Do you think HeartBeat should start Hall Meetings again when it is allowed?

    B. Would you return to those meetings again?

    If NO, what would have to happen to change your mind?

    C. If you had a choice of a Hall meeting or a Zoom meeting which would you chose?

    D. If HeartBeat was to return to Hall meetings which type of venue would you prefer; Hall or Hotel?

    E. Would you be happy to attend a meeting with a big screen in a combined Hall and Zoom meeting?

    F. Would you miss Tea & Coffee afterwards if not available?

    G. What ways could Hall Meetings be improved?

    H. Is there any other way that HeartBeat could be of assistance to its members that we are not doing now?


    A. Would you help with Street Fundraising (as before) when it becomes safe again to do so?

    B. If you were asked to make a donation to HeartBeat before each meeting would you do so?

    C. Do you think that being asked to give a donation at meetings or events would put people off attending?

    D. Would you contribute to an online fundraising campaign?

    E. Would you agree to an annual membership fee (say €20)?

    F. Are there any other ways of raising funds that you think would work for HeartBeat?

    If YES, please list here


    A. Should HeartBeat have a Social Committee?

    B. Given that it would be too much to ask the current team to take on would you get involved in such a committee?

    C. What kind of social events would you suggest as being beneficial to our members?


    A. Are there any changes you would like to see happen in the set up and structure of HeartBeat going into the future? List Here.


    A. Have you visited the HeartBeat website?

    If YES do you find it informative?

    B. Is there any specific missing that you think should be included?

    If YES, list here

    C. Do you like the format & content of the online newsletter?

    List any suggestions for inclusions here


    A. Is the monthly newsletter giving you the type of information you need?

    B. Is there any subject you want covered (relevant to Heart & Stroke members) that you feel is missing?

    If YES, list here

    C. Are you satisfied with the current format and presentation of the paper newsletter?